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EU project

EU project

  • Project name: Play Digital Sell Digital
  • Short project description: With the implementation of the "Play Digital Sell Digital" project, the Play Digital company is developing a market-adapted service for the implementation of a web store that will be fundamentally adapted to all users, easy to install, and cost-effective for companies that do not have the financial ability to implement a custom-made web store. It's a solution that combines all elements of the online shopping process into one installation software.
  • Project goals and expected results: The goal of the project is to position the Play Digital company as a leader in the segment of comprehensive complex software solutions for the implementation of a web shop for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. The result of the project will be a successfully adapted developed product to market demands, resulting in a significantly improved integrated product for creating a web store and managing customers compared to existing solutions on the market, ready for market launch. By achieving the stated result, the project will directly contribute to increasing sales revenue, increasing export revenue, and increasing employment.
  • Total project value: 1,630,999.53 HRK
  • Amount co-financed by the EU: 1,218,914.45 HRK
  • Project implementation period: 01.09.2019. - 01.03.2021.
  • Contact person for more information - Augustin Ravnić (, +385 52 751190)

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.

The content of the website is the sole responsibility of the Play Digital Ltd. company.