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Online store of underwear and intimate underwear

Indulge yourself in the luxurious and sensual world of underwear with Euforia's exclusive webshop.

With a curated collection of high-quality and comfortable pieces, you can find the perfect combination for any occasion and feel confident and beautiful.

Challenge - lack of digital presence

Svitanje d.o.o., the company behind the Euforia brand specializing in the sale of underwear and intimate underwear, was facing a big challenge: it had no digital presence. There was no dedicated retail channel, which was a significant omission in the modern business environment where digital platforms play a key role. The goal was clear - to build a digital retail channel through a web store.

The company did not have a clear picture of all aspects of creating a web store, but they were open to learning during the process, and gradually adopted everything that was needed.

Sales growth and customer satisfaction

Sales through the Euforia web shop are constantly increasing, and important parts of the assortment have achieved good positions on search engines. In addition, users respond positively to the process and ease of purchase.

In conclusion, this case study shows how a properly planned and implemented digital transformation improves the business of Svitanje d.o.o.

The results show that the effort invested in creating a quality web store and preparing content brought concrete value in the form of sales growth and satisfied customers.

Start your journey to digital success today

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