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Zoo centar Pipi

Webshop for Premium Pet Food

We are proud of the development of a webshop specialized in premium pet food. We focused on creating a user interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate, enabling pet owners to quickly and easily find and purchase high-quality food for their pets.

Webshop - Additional Sales Channel for a Pet Store in Pula

After nearly 30 years of successful operation of a store specialized in pet food and supplies, the time has finally come for digitalization of sales and the opening of an additional online channel.

The Sell Digital platform proved to be an excellent choice. The initial structure of the webshop was set up for clients based on a template, with aligned colors and visuals of their brand, corresponding categories and subcategories, and the input of sample products.

After the completed training, the client independently takes over the entry of the assortment and further management of the webshop through an intuitive administrative interface, but always under the watchful eye of the proactive support of our staff.

Technical SEO Optimization Following the Latest Trends

Zoo Center Pipi, just like every webshop built on the Sell Digital platform, has all the functionalities that are a necessary foundation for good search engine optimization (SEO).

Most of these details, such as the implementation of data structure and site map (sitemap.xml), properly set heading tags, correct internal linking within subpages, optimized HTML and CSS code to meet Google Web Vitals guidelines, and ensuring a valid SSL certificate, are not visible to the visitor's eye, but are highly favored by search engines.

For all these reasons, webshops that follow such guidelines rank better on Google search compared to their competitors, thereby achieving more successful long-term conversion and better sales results.

Start your journey to digital success today

Thinking about starting a webshop?